Candidates - why choose us?
Parker Smith Inclusion is an ethical, people first business which means that YOU are at the very core of everything we do and we understand what is important to you....The right career opportunity, clear pay via PAYE only, and an exceptional agency experience....US!
Candidates often ask us about the level of Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) experience required for our opportunities and/or how to transition into a SEND career…we don't always need extensive SEND experience and have provided some useful information about that here.
If you would like some helpful SEND resources, we are happy to assist in any way that we can, please visit our SEND resources and training library
We assist a broad range of individuals at all stages of their careers, with or without SEND experience, the roles we recruit for include:
Teaching Assistants
1:1 Teaching Assistants
Behaviour Mentors
Learning Mentors
SEN Teachers
Intervention Teachers
Inclusion Managers
Senior Leaders
Qualified Therapists
Sports Coaches
Outreach Staff
As we are a specialist SEND agency most of these roles will be within SEND Schools, Pupil Referral Units, Alternative Provisions, Additionally Resourced Provisions attached to mainstream primary and secondary schools, and within mainstream classes as 1:1 SEND support. The range of needs is broad and our sector knowledge means that, even if you have limited experience or this is your first SEND role, we will assess your suitability and best advise you of your most suitable setting.
For any enquiries, please email us at or call us on 0203 011 4848